Sports analytics from Laura Albert at the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering

Where do the Sweet 16 basketball teams fall in the rankings?

Here are where the Sweet 16 teams were ranked on Selection Sunday in my composite rankings, creating by combining several ranking methods:

1 Villanova
4 Purdue
5 Kansas
7 Duke
8 Gonzaga
11 Michigan
12 West Virginia
18 Nevada
19 Texas Tech
20 Kentucky
22 Clemson
25 Loyola-Chicago
31 Kansas St
32 Texas A&M
58 Syracuse
68 Florida St

For comparison, here are where the Sweet 16 teams were ranked on Selection Sunday in my Modified Logistic Regression Markov Chain rankings, one of the rankings used in the composite rankings:

1     Villanova
3     Kansas
5     Duke
6     Purdue
8     West Virginia
11    Michigan
13    Kentucky
15    Gonzaga
16    Texas Tech
20    Clemson
24    Nevada
26    Texas A&M
27    Kansas St
41    Syracuse
43    Loyola-Chicago
56    Florida St

Some of the lowest seeded teams left in the tournament, such as Nevada and Loyola-Chicago, are highly ranked.

Note: on Selection Sunday, I had UMBC ranked 140th and 189th in the composite and mLRMC rankings, respectively. Virginia was ranked 2nd in both of my rankings. It was quite an upset.